How to make internal update checkbox default checked at insights section at case details page in suitecrm 8

I’m trying to achieve that by default whenever I create a case/edit a case/update a case internal update checkbox should be checked on the insights section, which is coming from AOP Case Update module.

I’ve tried to override the verdefs, but didn’t work.
Attaching a screenshot so, it will be clear what I want to achive

Not simple and not achievable in studio however:

Go to public/legacy/modules/AOP_Case_Updates

edit vardefs.php

find this bit:

 'internal' => array(
                'name' => 'internal',
                'vname' => 'LBL_INTERNAL',
                'type' => 'bool',

make it like this:

'internal' => array(
                'name' => 'internal',
                'vname' => 'LBL_INTERNAL',
                'type' => 'bool',
                'default' => 1,

Note the type is bool, so ‘default’ => 1 so this marks it as being true (checked) by default.



Editted removed incorrect info.

Remember to do a repair and rebuild after the update. (I tried not overriding it and just updating the core AOP_Case_Updates file and it worked here).



Sorry on the override but thats completly wrong, obviously the bit about editing the core vardefs.php file is correct and works, however to override the field in the proper way:

Create a folder:


Create a file in that folder (say Internal.php)

In the file add the following:

$dictionary["AOP_Case_Updates"]["fields"]["internal"]['default'] = 1;

Ensure your permissions are correctly updated and R&R and you are done.

Taken from here:


It didn’t worked. Nothing is changing.

I would have taken this approch but I wanted to test it if it actually working or not. But the solution is not working


Out of the options above which did you take (ie where did you put the ‘default’ =>1,

I ask because if you added it directly to the standard vardefs.php file and you have a custom one as well it will not work and where you add it will change.


Just to show it working.