You cannot remove the powered by SugarCRM link … it is a condition of the licence SuiteCRM inherited from SugarCRM (a modified version of AGPL). If you remove the link, you will be in breach of the licence conditions and therefore the law.
Ashamed? Absolutely not! It makes my job MUCH easier by leaps and bounds to say the least!
– BUT – when a customer is paying you to develop something and then you deliver it to them and they say “What is SuiteCRM”? “What did I pay YOU for?” What do you tell them?
I read through the license and thought it said you can’t remove the license “in the code” (which I wouldn’t do), I didn’t read anywhere where it said you can’t disable admin menu links or remove anything from the footer area in the admin area.
One of the technical guys will get back to you on that … we’re short-handed at the moment – end of the holidays but back to full strength on Monday.
@salesagility: Let’s go easy on the new guy, shall we? :lol:
@LMW1: Please don’t be disheartened by salesagility’s lack of tact in answering your question. Just understand he’s very passionate about open source, so much so that he took the initiative to start the SuiteCRM project when SugarCRM deviated from the open source philosophy.
But let’s be clear, I totally agree with his thoughts on what you tell your clients when they ask what they are paying you for. You should be able to tell them specifically what customizations you are doing to any open source project to make it fit their business needs. After all, isn’t that what your actual work is? I sincerely hope you are not trying to push SuiteCRM or any other open source project as totally your creation. I won’t even go into how wrong that would be on so many levels.
The license section that says you have to display “Powered by SugarCRM” on the front-end:
As for your original questions:
1) How can I remove the "Support" & "About" sub-category links under the "Administrator" menu tab?
Change the $global_control_links array in /include/globalControlLinks.php. UPDATE: You might also need to change the override file in /custom/include/globalControlLinks.php.
2) How can I remove the "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" and "Powered by SugarCRM" links?
As mentioned before, you can not remove the “Powered by SugarCRM” link, but you can change the “Supercharged by SuiteCRM” link or, preferably, add your own link to the footer by editing these two files: (1) /themes/Suite7/tpls/footer.tpl and (2) /custom/modules/Home/language/en_us.lang.php
I would NEVER want to claim such a wonderful app as my own. I will comply with the rules. I just wanted to “style” (“Powered by SugarCRM”) a bit different aesthetically is all.
I totally understand @salesagility’s mindset as I am a programmer as well.
I thank both of you gentlemen for your prompt responses! Bravo!
I am seeing sporadic instances of this string, mainly on empty modules.
Click here to learn more about the XXXXXX module. In order to access more information, use the user menu drop down located on the main navigation bar to access Help.
The “Click here” links bring up 404 error pages.
Where can I edit these strings at? Thanks in advance!
Let me give you a golden tip that’ll help you debug and understand not only SuiteCRM, but any new application. Learn to use “Search/Find in Files” in any editor of your choice.
If you have already setup SuiteCRM in Eclipse, you can point over to the “Search” Menu option, then select “File” and copy-paste the text you want to find/debug. Eclipse will give you a list of all the files w/ exact line(s) where the text was found. I highly recommend setting up the SuiteCRM project in Eclipse for any custom development. In case you don’t want or need to setup an application in Eclipse, you can download “Find in Files” plugins for all the major text editors like Notepad++, gedit, etc.
Unfortunately, I could not find the message you encountered in my setup of SuiteCRM, which makes me think it’s coming from a third-party module not included in SuiteCRM by default. In SuiteCRM, you can find any front-end message in the language folders:
I view the “Supercharged by SuiteCRM” and “Powered By SugarCRM” footer as a security risk when it is showing at the login portal. We don’t want to give hacker any clue as to what software is running so they don’t go looking for vulnerabilities. After login, I don’t mind the footer.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
I am not a lawyer (thank God) so you can judge that for yourself. Even if you can convince SalesAgility to look to the other side, remember we are also bound by the SugarCRM license, and they won’t be very happy to help us in any way, I suppose.
If I were you, I’d simply do it the way you think is right, and if anybody bothers you, you add the required notice.
But I’d say the front screen is not a major security concern. One of the advantages of open-source is that many eyes look at the code. If there was a vulnerability there, it would likely have been pointed out by now.
On the front screen you can add a sentence like “use of this system requires reading the legal notices available to you after login”. But now I have to repeat (with joy) that I Am Not a Lawyer.
“display of the “Powered by SugarCRM” logo and “Supercharged by SuiteCRM” logo.”
I see text with hyperlink in the footer. I do not see logo. What do they mean by logo here. Also the license does not say anything about hyperlink or location of these links or font or color. So technically can we put it different font and change location as long as its visible?
For clarity, the dictionary definition of display:
a setting or presentation of something in open view
a clear sign or evidence
an eye-catching arrangement by which something is exhibited
ostentatious show