How to integrate Pentaho Report Designer with SuiteCRM7.0.2 ??

How to integrate Pentaho report designer with SuiteCRM7.0.2 ?? Is there any ready made module with which I can do so ???

Need to integrate the Pentaho Report Designer with the SuiteCRM 7.0.2 ?? Is there any one who can help me out with this or help me to create a PHP client of Pentaho Report Designer ???

This is not yet in a state where it can be deployed as part of the project - not even in beta. We have Pentaho SuiteCRM cubes linked to reports and dashboards and are in the process of linking these back to Suite … but this is a skunkworks project that may not see the light of day for a few months.

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Approximately till what time shall we expect the release of the cubes integrating Pentaho report designer with SuiteCRM??