How to Install SuiteCRM Theme?

Techesperto team did a great development for all SuiteCRM users - developed a complete FREE SuiteCRM theme for everyone and forever.

Here, we will discussing about How to download and install Suite theme?

Need to download SuiteCRM free theme

Step.2 Open SuiteCRM dashboard and go to Admin> Module Loader and upload downloaded theme zip file.

Step.3 Once file uploaded, then follow instruction and click on ‘Install’ Button.

Step.4 Theme Successfully Installed.


I’ve a bitnami stack installation running on a local windows pc, running ver 7.11.10-0

I installed this theme, thinking i could just uninstall if it was no good. The theme has broken the display so much that i cannot even get to the admin to uninstall.

Does anyone know how i can uninstall this from the files?



Edit the config.php file in the root folder, and change the line (number 239 on my file), to the following:

‘default_theme’ => ‘SuiteP’,

save the file.

I’ve managed to get to the config_overide.php file and set the default back to SuiteP. I then went to the admin and uninstalled the module - so i’m back up and running.

Hic i try this theme. And now can’t do anything (Image)
SuiteCRM 7.11.10

How to fix :frowning: , I can’t go to module load to unistall

You need to go into the PHP files and look for the config_overide.php file . Look for the line in the file that sets the theme and set the default back to SuiteP., Save it back and restart SuiteCRM - it should open normally and you can then go to the admin and uninstall the blue theme.

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