How to install suitecrm on webserver


I have my website on 1&1 that is placed in a file called “travail” in my web server and i try to install suitecrm. My domain is
I created a new folder named “CRM” in which i placed the unzip folder of suiteCRM i renamed SuiteCrm, in the “travail” file (see picture of my web server)
But when i go tu it indicates “the page cannot be found”.
Can you help me to install successfully suitecrm on my web server ?
Thank’s a lot.

You typed the wrong url!

The portion of the url that comes after your domain address is case sensitive!

So you should type:

instead of:

I have tested it and it started the installation (which I didn’t continue, of course).

Before you run the install I recommend that:

  1. you set permissions correctly (search the forum)
  2. you have created a database and that you have its address, name, user and user password available
  3. you read carefully the SuiteCRM installation guide ( )

Thank you very much, it worked.

Installation was successful but i have 2 questions left :

-What is the url to access admin page of suitecrm once installed ?
-On which file do we have to change the permissions and what permissions do we need to set ?

Thank you very much.

To access SuiteCRM:

then log in with the user you defined during installation (the default is admin)

File permissions:
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