how to insert field value one module to another module listview page in suitecrm

Hi all,

    how to insert field value one module to another module listview page in suitecrm.

I’m not sure if this is the same problem I’m having but what I’m trying to do is add a custom field to the ‘list view’ view in suite crm. I created a field called ‘quote stage’ and I desperately need this to show up in one of the columns. I’m having a hard time figuring this out and I bet it’s super easy. My ‘quote stage’ is very important and I want to be able to see at a glance where each quote is at…

any advice on this would be appreciated.


great news! I figured this out after now years of daily suitecrm. when you click ‘all’ and then ‘quotes’ it is that list view that successfully changed, NOT where I was needing. It’s great that I now have quote stage there but there is another section that i"m trying to update. When I click into an account, and go down on that main page of the account, you can see all the modules there. The ‘quote’ module of the ‘accounts main page’ is where I need to adjust the column view. currently it’s showing the default but I need to add teh ‘quote stage’ desperately to this view if anyone can help:

I can’t seem to figure out in studio where to do this… maybe under ‘account’ module? But it’s not the account module it’s the quote module feeding into the account module… grr.

Any help appreciated.

EDIT 2! Found solution! SUBPANELS!!!

Yes! this is the answer to my own question and hope this helps many people! yay!

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