How to include beans function in custom code

Hi to all, i have made a script cos i need to skedule a task. that assign the security group of a user to the project that are assigned to the account assigned to the user. in other word:
i have to check all the project, get the account id assigned to the project, get the assigned_user_id of the account, take the group id of the assigned_user_id and assign the group id to the project. This task has to be scheduled. Iā€™ve put this task in custom/service/schedulers/script.php

Iā€™ve made raw sql to get all, but now, i have the problem in the insert in securitygroups_records cause i canā€™t generate the ā€œidā€ as unique. How could i make this?

Ids in SuiteCRM just need to be unique, they donā€™t have to follow that format like xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx. So if you just generate a large random number, it should work fine. There is a function to generate a proper UID, I donā€™t know what itā€™s called.

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Thanks! so i will use the default funcion of sqlserver, but for future use, there is a way to call bean in my custom file?

Exactly what problem are you getting calling the Bean?

Try something like

$bean = BeanFactory::getBean('Cases');

So actually here is my code:

include "db_connect.php";
$bean = BeanFactory::getBean('Cases');

$query_id = "SELECT account_id,project_id FROM projects_accounts";
$query_id = sqlsrv_query($connectionInfo_CRMSuite,$query_id);

while($row_id = sqlsrv_fetch_array($query_id,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)){
	$account_id = $row_id['account_id'];
	$project_id = $row_id['project_id'];
	$query_group_id = "SELECT securitygroups_users.securitygroup_id from securitygroups_users,accounts WHERE securitygroups_users.user_id=accounts.assigned_user_id 
	and securitygroups_users.deleted=0";
	$query_group_id = sqlsrv_query($connectionInfo_CRMSuite,$query_group_id);
	$group_id = sqlsrv_fetch_array($query_group_id,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC);
	$security_group_id= $group_id['securitygroup_id'];
		$chech_query = "SELECT id FROM securitygroups_records WHERE module='Project' 
			and securitygroup_id='$security_group_id'
			and record_id='$project_id'";
			$chech_query = sqlsrv_query($connectionInfo_CRMSuite,$chech_query);
			$chech_id = sqlsrv_fetch_array($chech_query,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC);
				$id = generateRandomString(8)."-".generateRandomString(4)."-".generateRandomString(4)."-".generateRandomString(12);
				echo $id."-----".$group_id['securitygroup_id']."-----".$project_id;
			echo "</br>";
			echo "</br>";

function generateRandomString($length = 10) {
    $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    $charactersLength = strlen($characters);
    $randomString = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)];
    return $randomString;

All works fine but i donā€™t want to use my function generateRandomString because could not be unique. So, iā€™ve tryed to include data/BeanFactory.php but it show me Not A Valid Entry Point.

Now iā€™ve added as you say $bean = BeanFactory::getBean(ā€˜Casesā€™); but shows me:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ā€˜BeanFactoryā€™ not found in C:\SITI\delbarbaCRM\custom\service\schedulers\sync_progect_users.php

So, what do i have to do to include beanfactory correctly?

Make sure your own file is defined as a Custom Entry point, I think after that everything will work without any extra includes.

Yea!! worked with the entry point!

So last question, how can i put the data in [securitygroups_records]? because isnā€™t a module. what i have to call?

Really? :slight_smile:

Donā€™t think in terms of database tables, think higher level, in terms of objects.

Here is an example of assigning a security group to a Contact bean called $person:

            // now set Security so accesses are granted to appropriate users:
            $securityTeam = new SecurityGroup();
            $securityTeam->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('name' => $theGroupName ));
            if ( $securityTeam->id == null)
                $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Group with the name '" . array('name' => $theGroupName ) . "' wasn't found!");

Really? :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, i will use an edit of this code cause i have a secgroup for every user, and i need to create relationship between project and the security group.
so i will try something.

thanks a lot

Really? :slight_smile:

I know, you starting to hate me but i have still some problem. With this code:

			$project = BeanFactory::getBean("Project",$project_id);

i got:
Call to a member function load_relationship() on boolean
And i donā€™t get why, because if i print_r($project) before the load_relationship it show me the project.

Shouldnā€™t the GetBean use ā€œProjectsā€, plural, instead of ā€œProjectā€?

For my suite seems It wants Project instead of Projects. If i use Projects show me a error

So, seems i have to use function retrive to get te project and load the relationship. but now with this code:

			//$id = generateRandomString(8)."-".generateRandomString(4)."-".generateRandomString(4)."-".generateRandomString(12);

//			$securityTeam = new SecurityGroup();
//			$securityTeam->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('id' => $group_id['securitygroup_id'] ));
			//echo $project_id;
			$project = SugarModule::get("Project")->loadBean();
			//$project = BeanFactory::getBean("Projects",$project_id);
			echo $group_id['securitygroup_id']."-----".$project_id;
			echo "</br>";
			echo "fatto";

nothing happens. i mean it goes all well, no error shown, but in the securityGroup_records nothing change. And if i do $project->save() the script goes to create new empty project in the project table. Iā€™m stuck

You commented out my code that retrieves the SecurityGroup object. So you donā€™t have that object, and when you try to ā€œaddā€ the relationship, you give it an id, you should be giving it the object fetched by that id.

Remember you can check the return of functions such as ā€œaddā€ to know if they were successful.

I donā€™t get a thing. Why i have to find the securitygroup object, and then pass securitygroup->id if i have already the id?

//echo $project_id;
			$project = SugarModule::get("Project")->loadBean();
			$securitygroup = SugarModule::get("SecurityGroups")->loadBean();

			//$project = BeanFactory::getBean("Projects",$project_id);
				echo "yes";
				echo "no";
			echo $group_id['securitygroup_id']."-----".$project_id;
			echo "</br>";

nothing changed. the output is ā€œnoā€

It should work the same if your Id is correct - but if you try the retrieve you can make sure it is. You can test if thereā€™s an object there.

I know my code works, at least for Contacts. If it isnā€™t working for you my advice is to start checking every step - so see what the functions are returning, make sure you have the correct objects, ids, etc.

Are you using XDEBUG to step through your code in a debugger?

You should :slight_smile:

I was mading a stupid mistake. now it works. thanks a lot