In custom view of a custom module, i have created a popup window.
now i have to hide its top toolbar / navbar and sidebar im unable to that because
i don’t know how to do that.??
Please tell a solution.
Are you using YUI for your pop-up? If you make YUI create a modal window it should block out the other screen elements.
Look for examples in the current code that present a modal window, and check out the Yahoo UI documentation. call an action that loads view and this custom view is extended from editview.
which displays a tpl file content in popup.
anyone can help??
@pgr no its not modal popUp.
and i have to hide navbar and sidebar inside the popup like it had been in Contacts module create page in assign account popup.
what should i do?
Any reason not to use YUI’s modal window for what you need? That would be the way to go, I guess, but it really depends on what your custom view is made of.
actually Popup is to be dragged on 2nd Screen Attached to PC. and you can’t drag modal.
For any hiding or cleaning purpose, Please have a look at this product.