How to filter a custom field? Data Type: Date

Hello Everyone, I’m having some trouble trying to figure this by myself.

I used the Module Builder to build a custom Module. One of the custom Fields in this Module is called Expiration Date and is a Data Type: Date.

When I use this Module I want to use this Expiration Date field to filter the database data but its not working. I saw in another Topic that we need to put the Enable Range Search value On but I tried it and still doesnt work.

When I go to Filter and write a date in the Expiration Date field what happens is that the date that i wrote just disappears and nothings happens. Does this mean that no validation in being made?

I thought maybe the problem was from the date format but I did some tests and nothing worked. I feel this should be a very usual problem because dates are a lot of times used to filter data.

My SuiteCRM version is 8.4.0.

Thanks for your help beforehand.