How to Enable Inline Editing in 7.3 Step by Step

There seem to be a TON of threads popping up with people having issues getting the Inline Editing to work. Iā€™m going to attempt to be helpful by writing a step by step guideā€¦ Hopefully this will be beneficial. Fair warning in advanceā€¦ Iā€™m just another user trying to run a small business. I canā€™t help you troubleshoot. :slight_smile:

Step 1: Edit your config.php file. You need to add the following lines:

  'enable_line_editing_list' => true,
  'enable_line_editing_detail' => true,

Hereā€™s how my config.php looks:

Step 2: Clear your browser cache! Obliterate everything from the beginning of time! This solves 99% of the problem.s

Step 3: Log back into Suite. Go to Admin -> System Settings

Step 4: Uncheck the following checkboxes and save changes.

Step 5: Go to Admin -> Repair

Step 6: Select ā€œQuick Repair and Rebuildā€. Let it do its thingā€¦

Step 7: Return to Admin -> System Settings

Step 8: Re-Check these checkboxes and saveā€¦

Step 9: Go back to Admin -> Repair

Step 10: Do another ā€œQuick Repair and Rebuildā€. Let it do its thing againā€¦

Step 11: Obliterate your browser cache once again for good measureā€¦

Step 12: Go to a contactā€¦ You should be able to edit a field by either double clicking on it or clicking on the pencil that appears to the right.


:slight_smile: It seems suitecrm lose ā€˜enable_line_editing_listā€™ => true, ā€˜enable_line_editing_detailā€™ => true,. Thank you very much for help!!!

Another little issue is --inline editing response a little slow. How to fix it? I am working on openshift small gear.

Worked perfectly by your directions. Thanks kindly.

Awesome guide but I get database failure error, when editing in cases module. With other modules no problem. Here is the log:

Thu Aug 20 06:48:40 2015 [28975][1][FATAL] Error updating table: cases: Query Failed: UPDATE cases
SET name=ā€˜80 0 P 000001 14 Pā€™,date_modified=ā€˜2015-08-20 10:48:40ā€™,modified_user_id=ā€˜1ā€™,created_by=ā€˜1ā€™,description=ā€˜

sta god

WHERE = ā€˜a69fb172-8791-6cc7-d409-55d5ae1a064aā€™ AND deleted=0: MySQL error 1054: Unknown column ā€˜contact_created_by_idā€™ in ā€˜field listā€™
Thu Aug 20 06:48:48 2015 [29119][1][FATAL] Error updating table: cases: Query Failed: UPDATE cases
SET name=ā€˜80 0 P 000001 14 Pā€™,date_modified=ā€˜2015-08-20 10:48:47ā€™,modified_user_id=ā€˜1ā€™,created_by=ā€˜1ā€™,description=ā€˜

sta god

WHERE = ā€˜a69fb172-8791-6cc7-d409-55d5ae1a064aā€™ AND deleted=0: MySQL error 1054: Unknown column ā€˜contact_created_by_idā€™ in ā€˜field listā€™
Thu Aug 20 06:50:25 2015 [20028][1][FATAL] Error updating table: cases: Query Failed: UPDATE cases
SET name=ā€˜80 0 P 000001 14 Pā€™,date_modified=ā€˜2015-08-20 10:50:25ā€™,modified_user_id=ā€˜1ā€™,created_by=ā€˜1ā€™,description=ā€˜

sta god

WHERE = ā€˜a69fb172-8791-6cc7-d409-55d5ae1a064aā€™ AND deleted=0: MySQL error 1054: Unknown column ā€˜contact_created_by_idā€™ in 'field

ā€˜contact_created_by_idā€™ field seems to be a problem. this is not contacts but cases. fix anyone?

Wish I could help you thereā€¦ I donā€™t use the cases module and am not familiar enough with the Suite code base to help. :\

Thanx a lot for guide.

However, after modyfying a value, after hitting enter (triggering updating?) I get an error:

Warning: Missing argument 5 for formatDisplayValue(), called in /home/swzycie/domains/ on line 332 and defined in /home/swzycie/domains/ on line 337

However, the filed is updated corretly after refreshing

Do you by any chance have any hints?

thanx in advance!



I have the same error.

Thanks for your help.

Great work Matthew! Iā€™ve asked offline for the correct channel to start adding content to the SuiteCRM wiki, so hopefully weā€™ll soon have a way of making community documentation contributions like this.


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