How to edit Line Items layout in Inovice?

I would like to remove “Part Number” and “Tax Amount” in Line Items in Invoice module. Some say I can do in by editing the file “line_items.js”, but I am not sure how to do it.

Thank you very much

if you know how to code, then please check this Blog Post for understanding how the Line Items work and how you can customise them.

I commented these lines in Line_items.php, but still no luck

$product .= "<td width='12%' class='tabDetailViewDL' style='text-align: right;padding:2px;' scope='row'>".$mod_strings['LBL_VAT']."</td>";

$product .= "<td width='12%' class='tabDetailViewDL' style='text-align: right;padding:2px;' scope='row'>".$mod_strings['LBL_VAT_AMT']."</td>";


if ($locale->getPrecision()) {
      $product .= "<td class='tabDetailViewDF' style='text-align: right; padding:2px;'>".rtrim(rtrim(format_number($line_item->vat), '0'), $sep[1])."%</td>";
      } else {
      $product .= "<td class='tabDetailViewDF' style='text-align: right; padding:2px;'>".format_number($line_item->vat)."%</td>";
$product .= "<td class='tabDetailViewDF' style='text-align: right; padding:2px;'>".currency_format_number($line_item->vat_amt, $params)."</td>";`