Hi. Is there a very basic “how to” install file, instruction sheet, FAQ, or something similar? I’m relatively technically savvy but I’m not quite sure what to do w/ the archive I’ve downloaded.
I’m installing on a dreamhost shared server but really do not know where to start.
Here are some quick install instructions for Sugar & dreamhost - http://wiki.dreamhost.com/SugarCRM. Do you suppose something like this may work?
I appreciate any assistance. I promise I’m not a total rube.
For starters copy the file to the root folder of your webserver, then unzip it (or copy unzipped files if you cant unzip it on the server)… then point your web browser to your url (http://your.dreamhosturl.com/yoursite/crmfolder) and then follow instructions…
Yes, those instructions should get you started, although there a couple of things that are not stated there. Get going and let us know what you run in to.
Do you have ssh access to your dreamhost account? I guess you do because #6 (run chmod -R 755 cache) assumes you do. You will need ssh or have to start a support ticket to get the permissions right. Sugar needs the correct permissions or things can be a little whacked. I usually follow the command line instructions here: http://support.sugarcrm.com/04_Find_Answers/02KB/02Administration/100Install/Required_File_System_Permissions_on_Linux
but one of you more seasoned linux guys can let us know if it’s necessary to chmod all those directories and config.php. I did need to chmod to get my SuiteCRM working on a shared hostgator account.
So I got back to this - install seems to work - thanks for the help, folks.
As info, I’m on a dreamhost shared server. A few “gotchas” for me that may help someone else…
Use php 5.3 (the Dreamhost default). 5.4 created a bundle of warning messages throughout the install. I cancelled out and reset to 5.3 and no more errors
The php 5.3 modifications outlined on http://wiki.dreamhost.com/SugarCRM were needed to enable upload functionality during setup and, I presume, other features as well
In the end, there were a few minor errors reported (arrays not cast as arrays, etc…) but the install seems to be good.
The PHP version may vary with the hosting provider. At Hostgator, legacy shared accounts(shared accounts before 5/13) are still running PHP Version 5.2.17. You can switch to PHP Version 5.3.27 by adding a directive to the .htaccess file in your SuiteCRM root directory: