How to disable case sensitive search in Versjon 7.7.5

How to disable case sensitive search in Versjon 7.7.5 ??
Cant find a meeting with f.ex this subject :

Search for Sortland: No result

Looking for this meeting:
JJ/5098591 Coop Prix Sortland 25.11.16 1100

Is it possible to adjust search sensitivity?

Try %Sortland in the search bar

yeah, that worked.
How to add % to be default in i search string ?


Add this line to your config_override.php file

$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['search_wildcard_infront'] = true;
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this just add a % wildcard at begin, but will this disable the case sensitive search in flavour of case insensitive?

Did you test it?

It has the effect of adding a “%” character at the beginning of the LIKE clause that goes into your database.

Depending on which database type (MySQL, MSSQL, etc), and the specific database collations and even specific column collations, this might bring different results. But my guess is that it will be case-sensitive.