How to delete all contacts?

Hi, Im just wondering how to delete all contacts from my suiteCRM.

I want to delete the demo information I’ve filled in, but I don’t know how to do so.

If I select them all and click “Delete” it’s stuck at reloading page. It’s been so for 48 hours+ and nothing has changed since so this is obviously not working right.
So how can I delete all contacts? I have roughly 100.000 contacts inside.

Regards, T

You can truncate contact tables in mysql. I think it is the best option in this cases.

How about would I do that?

Sorry, I’m still learning this whole mySQL idea and stuff… :frowning:

Regards, T

EDIT: I just realised that I can’t even delete a page of contacts (20)… It’s stuck at the loading thingy… Is this an issue on my suiteCRM, or is this global?

If anybody knows how this could be fixed, I’d appreciate help alot.

Indeed, you should go the MySQL route.

Truncate the table or just:
DELETE FROM contacts;
DELETE FROM contacts_cstm;

Thank you very, very, very much Positiveit!

Regards, T


I too took this approach but after looking through the database tables I later realised that related data was getting left behind in the database, email_addr_bean_rel for example. It would be nice if MySQL or schema used something like cascade delete like in SQL Server, although I’m sure there’s a good reason why it doesn’t!

Anyway, if you delete the data through SuiteCRM UI, Select All > Delete, everything will get flagged for deletion. When the scheduler runs “Prune Database on 1st of Month” all the data and related data get physically delete from the database, look nice and clean to me.

I found this out on the Sugar forums and thought it would be of some help here.

Best Regards


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