How to create dynamice date field?

Hi every one ,
I am using suiteCRM ,in this mostly i am using CASE module ,
In case module I have one of the drop down field called “Priority” values are like (“Heigh”, “Medium”, “Low”).
Here I need to create one date input field that should be dynamic based on “Priority” field . In this date field time is going to add automatically based on “Priority” value

if “Priority” is “Heigh”, 120 min need to add to current time dynamically ,(if current time is 2020-01-27 1:00:00 pm when we create case with Heigh Priority then date field should come with 2020-01-27 3:00:00 pm dynamically)

if “Priority” is “Medium”, 240 min need to add to current time ,(if current time is 2020-01-27 1:00:00 pm when we create case with Medium Priority then date field should come with 2020-01-27 5:00:00 pm dynamically )

if “Priority” is “Low” , 24 hr need to add to current time ,(if current time is 2020-02-27 1:00:00 pm when we create case with “Low” Priority then date field should come with 2020-01-27 3:00:00 pm dynamically)

Can any one help on it plz.


if the calculated value should be shown before the users saves the task, you could create a javascript listener using the editviewdefs:

'includes' => 
      array (
        0 => 
        array (
          'file' => 'your/subfolder/path/myscript.js',

if the value should be calculated from the backend (so that users cannot change it after the js ran), logic hooks can be used:

It could also be possible using workflows, I didn’t check yet.
Edit: yes, workflows have a proper method to add minutes:

@crmspace thank you so much for your valuble respone .

I will try that one and please clear this confussion ,

In CASE module one field called “created date” ,so based on this I am creating one workflow ,In that workflow I have given condition like below ,

My agenda is after 5 min I should get the mail when case has been created datetime .

But i am not getting the mail after 5 min ,

How can I give the condition.

For instance ,My CASE has been created at 2021-01-27 01:00:00 PM then I should get the mail at 2021-01-27 01:05:00 PM ,how can I give the condition here plz explain .
