How to create a workflow process to send automated emails on specified dates--> HELP!

[size=4]Hi there,

I have been spending the past couple of hours, getting acquainted with Suite CRM, and its workflow automated feature. Googling everything.

I am required to send emails to various clients at certain dates (like at the end of every three months)


  1. Which modules should I choose?
  2. There are no fields for ā€œDateā€ for any moduleā€¦
  3. Would I have to create a new module, if so how? [/size]


Really depends on what you are trying to send e.g. marketing or reminder emails etc

workflows run on conditions rather than set time. So Campaign email might be best suited for your needs. This allows a standard template with variables where you can send to a defined target list on records

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[size=3]Hi Camo,

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. Are you [size=4]100% sure[/size] that campaign method will allow me to send automated emails at set times?

I am trying to send reminder emails. at certain dates every three months


Ryan. [/size]

Iā€™m not trying to be rude, but if you could try to be a bit more timely in your replies I really would appreciate it since my boss needs this done ASAP

Have a great day!

These are free community forums, everyone is here to help each other however I am taking time out of my normal day to try and help as many people as I can. That however means I cannot always reply within 15 minsā€¦

As I said it really comes down to what you are trying to send out but over all no you cant make it full automatic on campaigns you would have to set the dates manually.

Campaigns can send out an email e.g. marketing to a mass of targets at a defined date. You could then go into change this manually for the next run
If you were going to use workflows, these run on conditions so depending on what you would like to send and what you would like included you may find a way to get it the way you would like however you would need to play around with this.

Hope this helps

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I really appreciate your time.

These are my specific requirements:

  1. Email a scripted template, to certain clients at the end of every three months
  2. Email a scripted template, to certain clients at the end of every six months
  3. Email a scripted template, to certain clients at the end of every twelve months

Thanks for the help.