How to create a view that is accessible without authentication?

I want to create a page that can be viewed by anyone. I know how to create a normal page using controller, view and tpl but that requires authenticated users.

Is there a way for me to do this?

Thank you

What is the purpose / use case of this need? What information do you need to display?

To display stored information about an individual without giving them access to the CRM.

I was thinking of appending a unique code for them so that it can be mapped easily to their info in the database and from there fetch their information and display it to the page.

I was thinking of looking into the login page and maybe branching of there.

I think you’d have to do some custom code directly into the database. Another, possibly better, option would be to use a cms like joomla or WordPress and create a portal between the two. Just a thought. Are you looking for them to just be able to see a portion of what info is in the database or to have the ability to edit it. Why not just give them access and highly restrict based on roles and permissions. There is no user license issue with SuiteCRM so there’s really no reason, other than management of the users, to do so.

They can edit. I want to work directly with Suite so I don’t want to have another system to handle the process. It’s best if they can’t login in the system as they might be overwhelmed with the content so having a single simple page for them to update their information would be better. :slight_smile:

You are aware of the AOP Portal, aren’t you? You can download it from SalesAgility, it’s Joomla based and it’s light-weight, it provides a framework for what you need.

You can also do some high-level background reading here

We have it but I haven’t really understood it. :smiley:

I’ll go give it a read. Thank you :slight_smile:

I’ve checked AOP now but on our case it’s possible to have non-contacts being given the link to “register” to the system using our own custom form. I’m thinking of looking into the users module for the login page.

I found a work around using the entrypoint and smarty template :slight_smile:

Ok, cool.

Let me also mention the “Web-to-Person form” feature you can find in the Campaigns module. This is the standard way to get data from non-registred users into the database. They get inserted as a person, though, not as users. A person is a generic name for the 3 person concepts: Contact, Lead, Target.

But that might be a way to get a registration process going.

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What version of Suite started having this?

I don’t know, but I think it is at least 2 or 3 years old in its current incarnation as “Web to Person”. The older “Web to Lead” came from the SugarCRM CE days.