How to Connect to Gmail as inbound/outbound email

After struggling for a few hours and going through a bunch of posts and other forums to try and connect my SuiteCRM installation to Gmail for inbound or outbound email. I finally got it to work and thought I’d share.

How to Connect Gmail to SuiteCRM


  1. You must have and SSL installed on your installation.
  2. Login to gmail, got to settings, ON the Accounts and Import Tab, go to “Other Google Account Settings”. Go to Security and disable the following: 2-step Verification and then Turn “Less Secure App Access” to ON.
  3. Immediately before trying to select the trash folder in SuiteCRM gmail setup dialogue, go to this URL to disable CAPTCHA temporarily. As SuiteCRM will not be able to process the CAPTCHA.

Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server

Requires SSL: Yes

Port: 993

Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server

Requires SSL: Yes

Requires TLS: Yes (if available)

Requires Authentication: Yes

Port for SSL: 465

Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587

Full Name or Display Name: Your name

Account Name, User name, or Email address: Your full email address Password: Your Gmail password


Sounds weired but sometimes we need to allow unsecured apps 2 times.

Hi Paul,

Any luck getting outbound email (in the Personal Email module) to work for multiple users, ideally using their own email addresses? At the moment I have a G Suite email address set up on AWS SES for the system email (just planning for the future since G Suite SMTP may not be the best solution for bulk email). Test emails sent from SuiteCRM using AWS SES SMTP credentials are working. However, I have a user set up with Regular privileges in SuiteCRM with their own G Suite email address (on the same domain) with inbound email working but outbound email not working in the Email module. Any thoughts?


I’m not sure I understand what your question is? I have out bound Gmail set up by following above.

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Thanks for getting back with me, Paul. I solved the problem and it turns out that for some same strange reason, SuiteCRM (or perhaps Chrome form autofill) had saved the SuiteCRM username in the username field that should have contained the email address to pass to Google for SMTP authentication.

By the way, your YouTube videos about SuiteCRM are the best out there. Thanks for making them!


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Hi Guys,

I achieved the same using Google App Passwords without having to enable less secure apps.

The same topic was discussed here:


I could setup incoming mail but not outgoing. Don’t know what’s happening as I configured everything as on your post

New topics please @RaulM, this post is way out of date now and last active 8 months back.

Check your Google account that your trying to connect and make sure the you have less secure apps enabled. This is required for the connection to be accepted now.