How to configure email for

Iā€™m brand new to suiteCRM. Managed to install it on my shared hosting domain using Softaculous (yay!).

But Iā€™m completely lost on setting up the Outgoing Mail Configuration.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve done:

  1. Set up the SuiteCRM admin email address on my hosting account via cPanel as
  2. Setup an email forwarder on my hosting cPanel to forward to myusername@
  3. Logged in as the admin user on my instance of SuiteCRM
  4. Tried to setup the Outgoing Mail Configuration and couldnā€™t figure out what to put where. I tried a few things but they all failed.
    Can anyone give me an idiotā€™s guide to email setup with
    Or am I going about this completely wrong and need to set it up differently?

Apologies if these seem dim questions but Iā€™m not a detailed techy and have limited knowledge in setting things up like this.



OK, I think I got this sorted with great support from my hosting provider (Fresh Roasted Hosting).

I had to set this up by using the following settings

  1. Create CRM admin email address on my hosting account via cPanel (e.g.
  2. Create an email forwarder to forward emails from this address ( to my account
  3. Add this email address ( to my account
  4. Back on the SuiteCRM Email Admin Panel, enter the email user details & password for the email Iā€™d created above on my hosting account via cPanel as follows:
    ā€œFromā€ Name: * - the name of the above email (e.g., adminforCRM)
    ā€œFromā€ Address: * - the email address of the above email (e.g.,
  5. Select ā€˜Otherā€™ for ā€˜Choose your email service providerā€™
  6. In ā€˜SMTP Mail Server: *ā€™ - enter my hosting providerā€™s email server address (got from my hosting account)
  7. In ā€˜Use SMTP Authentication:ā€™ tick for yes
  8. In Username: * - use the same email address you created in step 1 and used in step 2
  9. In Password: * - use the same password as created in step 1 and used in step 2
  10. In SMTP Port: * - I used 465
  11. In Enable SMTP over SSL or TLS? - select SSL

All other items were left as default.

So, as I understand it, SuiteCRM now uses my domain CRM Admin email setup via cPanel (i.e., which will then be forwarded by the mail forwarder to my email account.

Hope this helps anyone else who is having difficulties setting up the Outbound Email Configuration. Judging by the number of articles & posts on this forum, the sugarCRM forums and all over the internet, this is a very problematic area.

Best wishes