How to change default search process in verdefs

In my project in case creation account name is coming. We have added custom account_id for every account which is a unique code for account. We can select the account name by searching.
But the requirement is user can search by the account_id also with the account_name, what I found out till now we canā€™t search an account on the basis of two fields.
We have tried to add the account_id at the end of the account_name, there we find out suitecrm only matches the letters from the start.
So, I want to modify this searching process,

  1. Either the account field can be searchable by both account_name and account_id
  2. Or the search should be matching the letters anywhere in the account_name


The attcheded screenshot is for the reference on which section I want to change the search functionality

Trying to modify the search is (as i have found) is mostly impossible. The queries arenā€™t stored in any singular place

in /var/www/html/public/legacy/config.php thereā€™s

You can use wildcard functions to find an account name in that method? If you change the wildcard_infront value to true even if you have a partial name


Sugar Industries


Should in theory bring up anything with Indus after the first part, similarly you can Sugar % for any thing after the first primary search.

Looking at this further - You donā€™t actually need wildcards in 8.4.0

Iā€™ve just hit up that exact data field youā€™re looking at and itā€™s already built inā€¦

Without wildcard you can search any part of the name and itā€™ll return any result.

I have a singular account

ā€˜Safe Spaceā€™

any part of that is returning true


Screenshot 2023-09-15 100628

Screenshot 2023-09-15 100708

Screenshot 2023-09-15 100731

Iā€™m using SuiteCRM version 8.1.2. For me the search functionality not working like you said.
Iā€™ll check once on the newer version but my whole project has to be moved to the newer version. It is a tedious job because Iā€™ve to do all the design chnages again.

Iā€™ll try this and let you know if it worked for me or not.

@dhuntress Thank you for the solution. It worked for me.