Hello ,
while creating a new campaign in the Campaign Marketing section I have automatically filled up “Reply to” email address and recipient’s name. This automatically entered email address is not used anymore and I can’t find where this address is stored on the system. I checked already for the “Outbound email accounts” and for the “Campaign settings” and for the “Outgoing email server settings”. Nothing helped. It seems to me that this email address is stored somewhere on the database or in .php or similar files, but I can’t find the place.
I’m using
Suite CRM 7.10.5
Sugar v. 6.5.25 (build 344)
In the Campaign Module Marketing Section, “Reply to Name” and “Reply to Address” automatically fill up when you select any options from Bounce Handling Account. If we’re not selecting any options means selecting “–None–” then “Reply to” Name and “Reply to” Address will display empty.
Bounce Handling Account dropdown consists of All InBound Email which is created by New Bounce Handling Account.
If you want to change the automatically filled up “Reply to address” in campaign, then you need to change Bounce Handling Account options.
Reply to Address auto filled up based on selected Bounce Handling Account as shown in the below screenshot.
For Creating New Bounce Handling Account from Inbound Email follow steps as suggested below :
Click on Inbound Email from the Email Section of Administration page as shown in the below screenshot.
Click on the New Bounce Handling Account from the sidebar of Inbound Email page as shown in the below screenshot.
Fill all Required values of Inbound Email. “From Name” and “From Address” will be displayed “Reply to Name” and “Reply to Address” in the Campaign Module as shown in the below screenshot.
(Notes : If you want to change “Reply to Name” and “Reply to Address” values then you need to change “From Name” and “From Address” values for particular Inbound Email or you need to create a New Bounce Handling Account from Inbound Email.)
Jessica, thank you very much for such a detailed description. Now I see that in the Bounce Handling Options I have a wrong email address, the same one that is automatically written to every new campaign. I tried just edit Bounce handling “From” address, but this field is not possible to edit (though it is green). I tried to make a New Bounce Handling Account from Inbound Email, but it automatically fills up “From” address line with my personal account’s email address and I can’t change it to the general mail of our organization…
As well I searched in the database in the inbound_email table, maybe I can manually change “From” email address, but for my big surprise I don’t see such a field in the database… Don’t you have any idea how and where I can change this record?
“From Name” and “From Address” stored in “stored_options” column with a base64 encoded string in the “inbound_email” table.
If you want to change “From Name” and “From Address” values while editing a New Bounce Handling Account then remove Automatically filled values and write your own value in “From Name” and “From Address” and save your Inbound Email.
Jessica, thank you so much! My problem is finally solved!
@Naktinuke You are most welcome.