How to Add the Remainder Panel in the Task Edit View

Hello all,

I was trying to add the Reminder panel to the Task module, edit view, just like SuiteCRM as in the Meetings and Calls edit view.

I already search for related topics and other forums but I could not found a solution for this requirement.

Can someone help to find a solution?

Thanks in advance,

Does any one have any idea how to get the Reminder panel (which appears in Calls and ad Meetings) under any other module?

Beside the requirement, conceptually it doesn’t make much sense to have more then one way to accomplish the same objective. Another aspect that makes this a no sense topic is that Reminders have their own module file structure and their own table in the database.

I could set up an workflow, as I already saw some developers do in some posts. But it is not clear to the user (the reason is the 2 ways of doing the same thing stated previously. It is neither user friend or intuitive).

Another way is to “replicate” the behaviour, by coding it from scratch. In this alternative I will duplicate code or even take more processing time then it should take.

Does any one know a save upgrade way to achieve this?


To be honest, I never looked at how this is done. And I agree with you it would be useful, and it should involve as little duplicate code as possible.

From what you’ve seen, isn’t it possible to replicate just the UI code, the screen elements, and call in to the Reminders module?

Better than making this upgrade-safe, is to make this a contribution to SuiteCRM and put it in the code for everyone. :slight_smile:

Hello @pgr,

I am implementing this replication on the Task module, but the values that I get in the before save hook for the reminder fields are the default ones. Somewhere in the middle of the Ajax JS an the Hook SuiteCRM lost the data.

Do you know what the save step path is?

Regarding the contribution, I will share all the process when I finish the topic. Hope some day this gets helpful for someone.

JoĂŁo Rebelo Pinto Gomes

Sorry, I don’t know enough to help you.

Do you have XDEBUG debugging set up in our system so you can step through the code? That should let you pinpoint exactly where the problem is.

In my experience setting up XDEBUG can be complicated but it pays off tremendously afterwards.

Thank you any way pgr!

My problem is not debugging itself but trace between the javascript and the php. I know that in the JS, at index PHP the form as all the entered values. Then in the before_save hook I do not have the inserted UI

Can any one give mi a way to find where the values come in the php, after JS?

JoĂŁo R P Gomes

I have found a way to save the Reminder and it already loads it on the detail view. The problem now is that the saved reminders does not load on the editview. This process deletes the reminders, once there is no data on the reminder_data element.

The process as the following steps

  • Edit the vardef.php file to insert the reminders, just as in Meeting module
  • Edit de editviewdefs.php, like in Meeting module
  • Edit de detailviewdefs.php, like in Meeting module
  • Edit de Task.php, like in Meeting module, to change the save method and include the removeUninvited method
    [li]change the language files to add the labels/li]- Do a Build and Repair

Does anyone know what is left in the process?

JoĂŁo R P Gomes

After digging a bit in the code I discover that I need the Scheduler and Invitee panels which appears in the Meetings edit view.

I know that this are setted in the Calendar/tpls/main.tpl, and I also need the jsclass_scheduler.js file.

The problem is that I cannot find a way to relate those files to get them to appear in the Task Edit View.

Does any one know what is left?



You’re doing some valuable work here, I really wish I could help you but I don’t know the answers you need. I don’t want to bring down your hopes but I don’t often see these really technical code questions answered here on the forums… so you might just have to keep trying… good luck!

Hello all,

We are almost finishing this feature, but we have another little problem!

After a user safe the record the reminder is saved and loaded correctly. unfortunately after we open the editView the scheduler table loses all the invitee (but the reminders show the invitees correctly)

Can someone help us on providing information of possible causes?
