I’m kind of new to SuiteCRM and looking for some guidance. I added a many-to-many relationship between the Contacts and Leads module. This added the Contacts subpanel inside the Leads module and allows me to relate contacts to the lead. This is great. But how do I add a field to track the relationship of the contact to the lead? Specifically, a “Role” drop down field that describes the relationship of the contact to the lead. Basically, I would like to do the exact same thing that is built-in for Contacts and Opportunities, where you can select a role for the contact that relates to the opportunity, and where this is only editable within the context of the Opportunity.
In short, how can I add the role field to the relationship between the Contacts and Leads module like it exists for Contacts and Opportunities?
Using version 7.11.18.
Thanks in advance!