How to add Line Items functionality to a custom module?

The Quotes module is a special module, which is different from other custom modules created from Module Builder.

My suggestion is that you have a look at the Quotes module source code and try to figure out the javascript used as well as the php in order to replicate the behaviour.

Once you understand what you want to do I would create a custom module from Module Builder and then edit the generated package so that you can reuse it elsewhere using Module Loader.

Sorry for not being more specific.

If you search the Forum I am sure that the topic has been covered already so you may find some pieces of code that could be helpful for your purposes

Hey thank you for you response, Iā€™ve already tried exploring all the related topics but couldnā€™t find any thing specific, i have sucessfully replicated the editview of line items but as soon as i view detail page it doesnā€™t reflects the product details

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Take a look at this post for some ideas: