How to add google map to accounts module

Hello everyone, as per the subject, I should add a small map to the accounts module.
Up to 7.14 it appeared normally, but since I switched to SuiteCRM 8.4.2, the map does not appear.
everything has remained unchanged, even the google maps setting in admin, and the custom field “position” (in Studio it is an iFrame with link:{jjwg_maps_address_c},{billing_address_street},{billing_address_city},{billing_address_postalcode},{billing_address_state},{billing_address_country},&output=embed

I also tried to change the google link (
), but it does not work.

There are no errors, the map simply does not appear inside the “position” field, the link is shown as written in Studio and posted above.

Do you know if anything has changed in SuiteCRM 8 for google maps? Thanks.

Check if you’re Accounts module is in legacy mode or not.

You can find a file for legacy.module_routing at the below location.


You can change the module to legacy by setting it to false.

      index: true // true means suite 8 view
      list: true
      record: false // false means classic view

yes, I did, but the changes were not accepted.
Anyway yes, the problem is this, the maps do not work in suite 8, you have to set the module in compatibility mode to be able to view them.
In any case, I had to delete the cache/prod folder to make the changes to the module_routing.yaml file effective and it is not the first time, a Q&A and a browser cache cleaning are not enough… bah.
Thanks @rsp

Yeah, we have command for it. You need to run it from SuiteCRM root directory.

Clear Symfony cache:

php bin/console cache:clear