How to add custom panel to SuiteCRM admin

I have followed this instruction:

To add a custom panel in the admin section of SuiteCRM, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new PHP file in the custom/Extension/application/Ext/Administration directory. For example, you can name it custom_panel.php.
  2. Add the following code to the PHP file to define the panel and its properties:

phpCopy code

$admin_option_defs = array();
$admin_option_defs['CustomPanel'] = array(
    'CustomPanel' => array(
        'module' => 'Administration',
        'label' => 'LBL_CUSTOM_PANEL_TITLE',
        'link' => 'javascript:SUGAR.App.router.navigate("#Administration/customPanel", {trigger: true});',
        'acl_action' => 'admin',
        'icon' => 'fa-cogs',

In this code, replace “CustomPanel” with a unique identifier for your custom panel, “LBL_CUSTOM_PANEL_TITLE” with the label you want to display for the panel in the admin menu, and “fa-cogs” with the name of an icon from Font Awesome that you want to use for the panel.

  1. Create a new language file in the custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language/en_us directory with the following code:

phpCopy code

$app_strings['LBL_CUSTOM_PANEL_TITLE'] = 'Custom Panel';

In this code, replace “Custom Panel” with the label you want to display for the panel in the admin menu.

  1. Save the PHP and language files.
  2. Run a Quick Repair and Rebuild in SuiteCRM to ensure that the new files are recognized.

After completing these steps, you should see the custom panel in the admin menu of SuiteCRM

But it didn’t work

Could anyone help me please?