How to add a custom module to Global Search

Does anyone know how to add a custom module to the global search function?

I have edited existing modules, renamed them, added fields, etc. For these new, custom fields, I was able to find the config file for them and change the $dictionary[ā€˜MODULE_NAMEā€™][ā€˜fieldsā€™][ā€˜nameā€™][ā€˜unified_searchā€™]= to true

However, the modules that I created from scratch, donā€™t have config files located in the same directory as the pre-existing ones.

For example, my pre-existing module config files are found here:

I did a search for the modules that I created from scratch and found the following locations listed:

Each of these locations has a vardefs.php file nested a few directories under the above location ( for example: /var/www/html/custom/modulebuilder/builds/[MODULE_NAME]/SugarModules/modules/BAR_[MODULE_NAME]/vardefs.php

Iā€™ve tried updating each of those vardefs config files to allow the specific categories to be searchable, but nothing has worked. After each change, I cleared cache, restarted services, did the ā€œQuick Repair and Rebuildā€ option, and even did some reboots to make sure all the settings were being updated.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to get these custom (built from scratch) modules to be searchable?

Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Check this post for ideas:

Hey BrozTechnologies!

Thank you so much for your help. That is actually one of the article that I found and it was helpful for the modules that already existed. I was able to add the custom fields that I added (or edited) to the pre-existing modules using the method mentioned. However, none of the modules that I created from scratch are listed in the directory with the ones that were already there (/var/www/html/custom/Extension/modules/[MODULE_NAME]/Ext/Vardefs/ )

Instead, I was only able to find the following directories for the modules made from scratch:

Do you know if thereā€™s a way to have my custom modules added to the directory where the pre-installed modules exist? I edited the vardefs.php file for each of my custom modules (in each of the directories that I could find for them), but the changes didnā€™t apply.

I really appreciate your time! Thank you!

Arenā€™t your custom modules (made with Module Builder) also found under /var/www/html/modules?

Hey @pgr!

Yes, they are listed there! Thank you for pointing that out. I thought they had to be edited under the /var/www/html/customā€¦ directory

So, with your help, I was able to locate the vardefs.php file for my custom modules (example file location is: /var/www/html/modules/SSL_SSLServices/vardefs.php )

I have edited that specific vardefs.php file so that each of the [ā€˜unified_searchā€™] values that I would like to search for are now set to ā€œtrueā€ I have done a repair and rebuild, but the module is still not searchable. Do you know if Iā€™m missing something else, or doing something wrong?

Thank you so much for your time!

Iā€™m sorry but I canā€™t help much further, I never dived into this area of SuiteCRM, I donā€™t understand exactly how search indexing worksā€¦ :man_shrugging:

Could you check the Admin / Search Settings page if your custom module is enabled ?

Hey @blqt!

Yes! Woo hoo!! Thank you so much for reaching out. It seems like your advice in addition to @pgr and @BrozTechnologies did the trick! Seems like it was the final missing piece to the puzzle.

For some reason, my custom modules were NOT previously showing up in the Admin / Search area, until the ā€œ$dictionary[ā€˜MODULE_NAMEā€™][ā€˜fieldsā€™][ā€˜nameā€™][ā€˜unified_searchā€™]=ā€ flag was set to true

For future reference and anyone looking back on this, the steps were as follows:

  • Set the unified_search option to ā€œtrueā€ for any custom fields that youā€™ve created under your custom modules in the correct vardefs.php file. For example, my custom modules are located here: /var/www/html/modules (instead of /var/www/html/custom/Extension/modules/ )
  • Do the repair/rebuild option
  • Go to the Admin ā†’ Search Settings page, and locate your custom module name in the ā€œDisabled Modulesā€ section and move it to the ā€œEnabled Modulesā€ section, then save.

Thanks to all three of you for your awesome assistance with this! I really appreciate everyoneā€™s time, and hope you all have a great day!