How do I send an email created from case creation through anything other than the default email?

Hello all,

I am new to suitecrm.

Currently, I am able to scrub the inbox of unread messages from our email (thanks to suitecrm) and create a case for each unread message, which is perfect. I can also send an email back to each recipient with the case number and little description which, again, is perfect. However, the email being sent back with the case number and description is not being sent back from the email (the one I used to scrub the inbox with) . Instead they’re all being sent from the default email, this is not what I want it to do. I attempted to create an outbound email of but that didn’t do anything. I am still being sent the case number and description from and not

How do I get the case number to be sent back from the same email I scrubbed the inbox with???

I’m using 7.8.13, I do not know if this could be different on 7.10 or newer.
but from the email module you have a setting button
click on it, you will notice the mail account tab, select it
you will be presented with the mail accounts, if you activate one that is not active now, it will show when writing an email so you can send as…
you may have many active accounts, our csr’s have 4 actives accounts representing different dept…

I hope it answers your question

Thank you soo much for a response!
I am not sure what version I am on, I have a feeling I am on an earlier version.
Also, I am a little lost on your guide.

Here are the options I found that I believe you are referring to (email setting).

When I go to the Email setting I only see one option for the from name and address under the outbound email section, and that is the email that I am receiving from atm.

However, I’d like to choose which email would be sent in the autoreply during the case creation. So, I assumed, in the outbound email settings, that I can create another outbound email and
use that one as the outbound email instead of the email in the picture above? below pictures is the email I’d like to use.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I think I found my problem, In the picture below it says that the email address provided might not appear in the “from” address section of the email sent due to restrictions imposed by the mail service provider. And that’s why it is referring to the default.

Does anyone know what restrictions and how to allow whatever this needs for it to work?
My company uses Microsoft Exchange 2013.

Here’s a pic of my findings