How do I remove an option from the field "Related to"?


How do I remove an option from the field “Related to”?

My particular problem is as follows:

  • A long time ago I created a module “Processo”
  • After some time I made changes in that “Processo” module, including in the name that came to be labeled “Processos”
  • I made a new intallation of SuiteCRM and imported that module by the “Module loader”, as well as imported the data by “Import Wizard”

Now on my list “Related to” appear the two modules (“Processo” and “Processos”), but the first returns an error.

My problem will be solved if I just be able to remove this item (Processo) of the list “related to”.

Any idea?

SuiteCRM Version 7.1.5
Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)

Hi vbraraujo,

Try to repair relationships from administration.
Then Quick repair might help you.


Thanks for the answer.
I tried your suggestion, but the problem persists.

It is possible that this problem results from some incorrect reference that continues in the database? If so, how can I find it and fix it?

Another way might be to change the code in this dropdown to exclude the wrong reference, but where I could make this change?
