How do i invoice a Service


Can someone help please. I need to invoice for Telecoms Products where there is a cost for airtime which is paid seperately and a handset which is paid for unfront. This must appear on the same invoice, I am sure i saw that i can do this by creating an entry for a Service Charge.


Approach 1: Using Line Items with Different Product Categories:

1. Create Separate Product Categories:

  • Go to Admin > Products > Categories.
  • Create two categories: “Airtime” and “Handsets”.

2. Create Products for Airtime and Handset:

  • Go to Admin > Products > Products.
  • Create a product for “Airtime” and another for “Handset”.
  • Set the appropriate product category for each.
  • Configure pricing and other details as needed.

3. Create the Invoice:

  • Go to Sales > Invoices > Create Invoice.
  • Select the customer and other relevant information.
  • Add two line items:
    • For Airtime: Select the “Airtime” product, enter the quantity (e.g., minutes or data usage), and apply the appropriate price.
    • For Handset: Select the “Handset” product, set the quantity to 1, and set the price.

4. Save and View the Invoice:

  • Save the invoice.
  • The invoice PDF will show separate charges for airtime and handset in the line items section.

Approach 2: Using Service Charge with Product Bundle:

1. Create a Product Bundle:

  • Go to Admin > Products > Product Bundles.
  • Create a bundle named “Telecoms Package” or similar.
  • Add the “Airtime” and “Handset” products to the bundle.
  • Set the pricing for the entire bundle (if desired).

2. Create a Service Charge:

  • Go to Admin > Products > Services.
  • Create a service named “Telecom Service Charge”.
  • Configure the service charge amount, tax, and other details.

3. Create the Invoice:

  • Go to Sales > Invoices > Create Invoice.
  • Select the customer and other relevant information.
  • Add the “Telecoms Package” to the invoice.
  • Add the “Telecom Service Charge” as a separate line item.

4. Save and View the Invoice:

  • Save the invoice.
  • The invoice PDF will show the “Telecoms Package” price (optional) and the “Telecom Service Charge” as separate line items.