how do i increase my suitecrm speed if internet is slow because its taking to long to save data or retrieve data

:frowning: increase my suitecrm speed if internet is slow because its taking to long to save data or retrieve data

Hi Weed,

If it really is your network/internet connection that is too slow then there is nothing that the application can do.

Try connecting using a different internet connection (friend, internet cafe etc) to see if it is still as slow. If not, you should buy a better connection for yourself.

Check SuiteCRM system settings and make sure that โ€œDeveloper Modeโ€ is NOT checked. When checked, SuiteCRM runs really slow.

If it is still slow after you have done the above then it is most likely that your hosting plan is not giving you enough resources and you should consider upgrading/changing. You could also try to deploy your CRM to an amazon server (AWS) (smallest size is free) to see if you get a speed improvement.



Where is Suite CRM dev mode link?

From the administrator menu, pick Admin then click the System Settings link. You will see it there.

Hi Weed,

As rightly pointed by Bruce if your internet connection is not the problem, you could also check in the following article which mentions pointers on improving the application performance

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