How do I change the favicon?

Hi guys

I am trying to change the favicon, with limited success. On initial page load, my new favicon loads fine. I altered header.tpl and changed it to this:

<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="themes/Suite7/images/favicon.ico">

But when anything loads via the VCR (Such as accounts, contacts etc) the favicon reverts to the default suitecrm favicon. What files / sprites / javascript / whatever do I need to change in order to just use my new favicon?



I expect this is a result of the fact Sugar can use module icons for each module instead of the default. You can see/set this in Admin->Settings.

What happens if you just replace /path/to/suitecrm/include/images/sugar_icon.ico with your own .ico using the same name?


Thanks, thatā€™s sort of what worked for me. To change the homepage favicon I replaced //themes/Suite7/images/sugar_icon.ico.

For other parts of the site, just use ā€˜view page sourceā€™ in a browser like Firefox, search for link rel=ā€œSHORTCUT ICONā€ in the source code and that will show you the filename within themes/Suite7/images/ that you would need to replace with a new image of the same name. Probably not upgrade safe, but itā€™s only a favicon so if I have to reapply in future itā€™s not a big deal.

En el archivo ā€œSuiteCRM\include\MVC\View\SugarView.phpā€ cambia en la funcion getFavicon() la siguiente linea:
$favicon = $themeObject->getImageURL(ā€˜sugar_icon.icoā€™,false);

$favicon = $themeObject->getImageURL(ā€˜sugar_icon.icoā€™,true);

Luego, reemplazas el archivo ā€œ\themes\Suite \images\sugar_icon.icoā€ por el tuyo.


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May be itā€™s because Iā€™m using 7.10, but itā€™s as simple as replacing the file here: themes/SuiteP/images/sugar_icon.ico

The favicon follows around everywhere, I havenā€™t seen it change to anything else after you change that file (just donā€™t forget to backup the original)