How do I add a quick create option for products from a part number based search

This might be something obvious to the experts so please bear with me. I have a rather simple use case - very often when creating a quote I find a product missing and need to quick create it, While I can quick create an account and a bunch of other stuff I cannot seem to find the customization to quick create from the product search view. How would I do this?

you can enable the quick create of products in popup using the following way

  1. create file modules/AOS_Products/AOS_ProductsFormBase.php
    Add contents:
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
    die('Not A Valid Entry Point');


class AOS_ProductsFormBase extends PersonFormBase

    public $moduleName = 'AOS_Products';
    public $objectName = 'AOS_Products';

    function handleSave($prefix, $redirect=true, $useRequired=false){
        $focus = new AOS_Products();
        $focus = populateFromPost($prefix, $focus);


  1. Edit the custom/modules/AOS_Products/metadata/popupdefs.php file [if the file does not exist copy it from the modules/AOS_Products/metadata/popupdefs.php]
    Add in the file
'create' => array (
  'formBase' => 'AOS_ProductsFormBase.php',
  'formBaseClass' => 'AOS_ProductsFormBase',
  'getFormBodyParams' =>
  array (
    0 => '',
    1 => '',
    2 => 'AOS_ProductSave',
  'createButton' => 'LNK_NEW_PRODUCT',

It should look like this