How can we add subpanels in a specific module?

I’d like to add sub-panels in a specific module, but I can only see the possibility to edit the existing ones in the Studio.
However, in another CRM (same version), I see other sub-panels in that module.
How can I add sub-panels in the module of the original CRM?
Thanks for your help,
Kind regards,

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For you to have all necessary information (I think), the relationships are exactly the same in both modules in the 2 CRMs…
Is there any other place where we can manage sub-panels?
Kind regards,

The only difference I’ve noticed in the properties of the relationship in both CRM is that there is no “default” in the “Subpanel from Documents” in CRM 1, and there is in CRM 2 (see print screens), but I can’t change this…
Where could I change this? Do I need to recreate this relationship?
Thanks for your help,
Kind regards,

Sorry for the trouble, I’ve found the solution: some sub-panels were hidden in the “Display Modules and Subpanels” of the Developer Tools…
Kind regards,

I’m facing the same issue, where did you “unhide” these subpanels?

Thank you

You need to be administrator of the CRM. You go to the Administration module, to Developer Tools, in “Display Modules and Subpanels”, and you just move the modules or subpanels from the column “Hidden” to “Displayed”.
I hope it helps,
Kind regards,

in my situation, they are all not hidden.
I have created a relation between meetings and tasks (a meeting has many tasks), creating a task in the meeting (quickcreat) is not populating for me either the account or the meeting.

I have posted a new topic about that issue. But I don’t think it has been published yet

Thank you for your prompt reply

I’m afraid I can’t help with that, I hope they reply to you soon!
Kind regards,


I’m facing the same issue.

I want to have a subpanel “Accounts” in my Opportunity module view. How can I display that ?
There is a many to many relationship between these two modules so that should be possible.


Have a look here:

Starting from that example I believe that you should be able to achieve what you are looking for.

Subpanels created from Relationships, and want to have more Subpanels you have to create them in the …studio / module / Relationships … save and deploy (No need to add code, as some websites have instructed. !)