Im pretty new to suiteCRM and trying to get fully integrated with the software
We are hosting this on our internal servers.
Is there any way to use suite CRM on an iOS or Android device?
Im pretty new to suiteCRM and trying to get fully integrated with the software
We are hosting this on our internal servers.
Is there any way to use suite CRM on an iOS or Android device?
I checked this link and while it has been very very helpful, i am stuck on the sent emails.
My ID is the admin IT so I have set my email up for sending and receiving. However, the other users (non-admin) are not able to send emails from their own mail ID’s. How can this be configured?
Dear arangar,
Ask them to log in!
Go to Activities>Emails>Settings>Mail Accounts (Tab)
Go to Outgoing SMTP Mail Servers: :lol:
Add it there.
With thanks,