How can I increase the width of the product lookup on quotes with version 7.10.4


I’ve already made this with the previous version of suitecrm by modifing yui.css file like that:
.yui-ac-content {
position: absolute;
border: 1px solid #808080;
width: 400px;
background: #fff;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 9050;

With the new version and new Theme i don’t where i should make the same modification.

If someone has an idea i take it !

Thanks !!

What is the full path of the file where you’re trying the change?

Maybe these files are compiled with SASS, and then made into minified files.

So yo can either search to determine the destination file (your browser’s inspector window will tell you), and change it there, or else change it in the originals and then make the process run again (run SASS compiler), run the Admin / Repairs that rebuild the files.

There’s some stuff about SASS compilation here: