How can i create private and public keys for my suitecrm instance?

Hello everyone ,
i want to connect suitecrm with nextcloud and i heard somewhere that i have to create private and public keys in order to achieve my goal.
So my question is how can i create these private and public keys ?

Thanks in advance

are you trying to use this extension?

Besides the fact that the extension is abandoned, the author linked the necessary tutorial:

  • You need to create openSSL private and public keys like explained in SuiteCRM documentation otherwise authentication won’t work.
  • Then go to the “OAuth2 Clients and Tokens” admin settings section and create a “new password client”. Don’t forget to manually choose the client secret. Once your password client is created, get its client ID.

i saw a similar tutorial and tried to follow it but i have difficulties at the level of generating private and public keys. The suitecrm documentation tells me to open a terminal and go to “{{suitecrm.root}}/Api/V8/OAuth2” and there i have to modify some lines of codes. But i don’t know which terminal i’m supposed to open since i have never worked on that part of suitecrm.

you need to have ssh access to the server for these steps, that’s meant by terminal.

How can i get access to this SSH?

You have to ask your sys-admin, but if you have no deeper experience with these commands, I would suggest to assign this task to him/her :slight_smile:

After having access to the ssh server am i supposed to the code modifications on the system terminal or on the config.php folder ?

No, those are commands that you have to enter in the command line interface (aka terminal). the first two commands create the key-files (be sure to work in /Api/V8/OAuth2), followed by setting the permissions and ownerships.