Home option gives error

Version 7.10.16
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

On installation I was getting the dashboard view (with no data), once data has been uploaded, the dashboards have gone missing. Clicking on Home option for any of the menu Sales/Marketing/Support etc. A blank tab opens with the message

There was an error processing your request, please try again at a later time.

Any help is most appreciated, I am new to suitecrm and now struggling with it.


You may try this step.

Go to “user profile”-> Reset home page.

Thanks for the help, tried the reset homepage option, still nothing. Any help most appreciated

You need try sevaral things one by one.
Are you log in with admin? Can you do a “Quick Repair”?

  1. Reset User Preferences.
  2. Hide dashboard modules from admin one by one.

Logged in as Admin, did a quick repair

Dashboard module not visible anywhere, including in studio… so how to disable the same?

The dashboard is not a module, it’s a view.

You need to hide your modules which were at your dashboard while it was working. Like Calls , Meetings , Leads , Accounts , Opportunities.

I am really sorry but very new at this and looking for help from this excellent forum.

I do not recall what modules were shown as it is a new install and I have only seen it having empty tables.

Where do I go to disable these modules, afraid that I should not disable key functionality of the crm…

Please please do guide to make the most of suitecrm

Try to disable These modules one by one from admin ->Display Modules and Subpanels

Disabling them is no harming , they will just hide, you can enable them whenever you want.

  1. Prospects
  2. Leads
  3. Contacts
  4. Accounts
  5. Meetings
  6. Tasks
  7. Calls
  8. Opportunities

You probably have some extra clues in your logs.

I have hidden the modules as suggested. now what, home still gives the same error.

Put them and go through logs.

go to systems settings and make log level to “debug” first.

then reproduce issue or go to home page again.

then open SuiteCRM.log file and see what new changes there at bottom of file.