Home/dashboard link in menu bar

Does anyone have any idea of how to add a Home/Dashboard link to the menu bar, so that it’s always displayed as the first or second item at root level?
The nearest I’ve got so far is by creating a Home group with the menu link in (Home->Home), but why can’t there just be a link on the top level all the time?

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!


You can start by trying my post here:

and asking the person who asked the question if he came up with a solution or if mine worked.


Hi there,

You would simply add the following:

	<a href="?action=ajaxui#ajaxUILoc=index.php%3Fmodule%3DHome%26action%3Dindex%26parentTab%3DHome" id="moduleTab_9_Home" module="Home">Home</a>

You add this after:

    <div id="moduleList">

and after:

    <div id="moduleList">

You can do this in custom/themes/Suite7/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl to stay upgrade safe i.e. for changes not to be overwritten.




Thanks to both of you for that - I didn’t see that post when I searched initially for it - that certainly makes it more user friendly, and it will be great if that won’t need reinserting after every upgrade!


Thank you both,

i did a test, and found that the following code is better to avoid the repeat of “Home” link when you are in homepage.

In custom/themes/Suite7/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl


    <div id="moduleList">


{if $MODULE_TAB != 'Home'}
			<a href="?action=ajaxui#ajaxUILoc=index.php%3Fmodule%3DHome%26action%3Dindex%26parentTab%3DHome" id="moduleTab_9_Home" module="Home">Home</a>

and the same after

    <div id="moduleList">
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This file and location did not exist “custom/themes/Suite7/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl” so I created it however those changes didn’t have any effect on the site. The only way I’ve been able to achieve adding a custom link to the top menu navigation is using the method not safe for upgrade at: https://suitecrm.com/forum/suggestion-box/1818-top-menu-home-link#7517

Hi Dusza,

i don’t know if it’s upgrade safe…
in my istances it’s working…

Anyway,… any improvement will be very appreciate

The new theme has a home link always, this displays as the CRM name.

The sidebar also houses global recently viewed, for easy access.



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