Holding and Sub holding company with different Security groups

Dear all! thanks to this new community very helpful :slight_smile:
I ask for a suggestion about the best workflow I should use in our situation.

I have 1 installation of SuiteCRM for 5 companies. All are hold by group!
Holding Name: IDB
that hold Company A, B, C, D, E
Normal User and Super User are Group of User

I would like to set up SuiteCRM in order to have Company A, B, C… as Security Group in order to have the follow possibilities:

  • Normal User can see only Accounts and Opportunities that belong to that security group

  • Super User can see all Accounts and Opportunities

  • Leads created by Normal User Company A or B …will be visible to all Normal User of other companies

  • When a Normal User of company A or B …create an Opportunity or an Account, authomatically this is assigned to his Security group.

Do u think is the correct way to proceed? Do you have any suggestion?

Hi, welcome.

With security settings what I always recommend is an incremental approach, with hands-on experiments.

I suggest you implement this sample set-up exactly as it is described here:

Typical Hierarchy Setup

After it’s working properly, and you understand it, then start changing it to fit your case. You will see that the Holding/sub holding structure is already there.

Then try how assignments and record creation affect the security groups, and check the options in Admin / Security settings to fit your needs in this regard.