I love a new feature in Accounts history subpanel - Filter, but I think found a bug. When you search using this filter and afterwards go to Meetings module, you’ll see basic search panel from that subpanel and you unable to search because of javascript error - button action is for subpanel.
Any idea how to fix this?
Thank you.
Hi there,
Thanks for the feedback on the filter! We’re aware of this bug and this will be fixed in future releases.
The problem is, after search form is loaded for the first time (after repair), its teplate for basic search panel is stored in cache/modules//SearchForm_basic.tpl. So when you first open Meetings module and than Account history supbanel filter you get basic search form for Meetings module, not for supbanel (also vice versa).
I fiexed this by workaround - modifying custom/include/SubPanel/SubPanel.php in function getSearchForm() and removing file before and after $searchForm->setup is called :