hide sub-panels

There are too many sub-panels in the detailed panel. I want to hide some, I don’t know how to operate it.


You can hide them from the admin panel.

  1. Login as Admin
  2. Go to the admin section
    3, Click on “Display Modules and Subpanels”
  3. Select the modules you want to hide from “Displayed Subpanels”
  4. Drag them in “Hidden Subpanels”.

The selected modules will be hidden from a subpanel.

Thank You!

Thank you very much, but what I want to achieve is that each module displays different sub-modules, some more, some less. thank you very much


I understood your requirement.

Please look out the below SuiteCRM extension.


I hope it will help you to hide the subpanels from specific modules.

Thank You!