Hide Next Step field in Quick create

I need to hide the Next Step field of Quick create option when i im in one account. I go to Studio/Opportunities/Layouts/QuickCreate layout and delete the Next Step field, and i click over Save and deploy button or Save button but when i go to accounts module, y see the Next step field. Then i go newlly to studio module QuckCreate Opportunities, and i see newlly Next Step field in Layout or right side.

How i can to fix this and hide the Next Step field from Quick create?


This works as expected for me. What version of SuiteCRM are you using?

If I remove the “Next Step” field from the Opportunities Quick Create layout, Then Save & Deploy, It no longer shows up when using the Quick Create.

You may have to remove it from the layout in studio and click “Save & Deploy” a few times for the change to take effect, depending on which version of SuiteCRM you are using