Hide empty panels in view


I am using SugarCRM for about 5 years. All this time i think about necessity of showing ALL empty panels in details pages. For example, i have a Customer, which have only some contacts and one opportunity. Why i must to observe all empty panels (and almost useless) to find useful information?

The only useful thing in empty panels is “Create” button, which can be replaced by the global “Create” button which contain all creation options.

Other possible solution is to sort and divide empty and non-empty panels (non-empty first).

When you often working with CRM this small improvement can save much time and require less attention to lookup required data.

Plus one for this from me!

I agree that it would be useful.

It would be nice if somebody could post some info on how could this be implemented as a custom modification for an example module e.g. for Contacts .

If I manage to find some time for this, I’ll be here to collaborate with anybody interested on how to implement this.

Kind regards,

Other proposition: hide empty panels by default with small placeholder for unhiding like “Show opportunities” (i think this can be done only with CSS and minimal PHP code)

This can greatly improve visual perception of detail view.

This is an excellent idea. It could really save so much time and add so much to the usability of the CRM system.