
When you go to the homepage

The very first tab says suite CRM

This is the page where you have all your dashlets

How do you remove that branding there where it says sweet CRM how do you remove that or edit that – let Taber that tab I know that the ad tab teacher can let you name those tabs but how do you actually edit that suite CRM tab if I wanted to say important gauges or something of that nature

Admin / System settings / System Name

You can not remove the branding from the bottom of the page, though - it’s required by the software license.

here is the thing i am referring to

That’s a language string

include/language/en_us.lang.php:3492:$app_strings['LBL_SUITE_DASHBOARD'] = 'SUITECRM DASHBOARD';

You can customize it by creating a custom language file, search online for ways to do it.