Help changing duration field from hours to days

Hello :grinning:, IĀ“m new to SuiteCRM, and I want to start tweaking it a bit.

I have a travel agency, and IĀ“ve changed the ā€œcallsā€ module to ā€œtripsā€ module, to keep a log of my customers travel. The thing is that for the required field ā€œdurationā€, I need to change it to days, instead of hours. Can you please help me?

IĀ“m using SuiteCRM 8.6.0 hosted on a shared server with no admin right but access to file administration of my own files (CRM Folder)

Many thanks!

I suggest to clone the ā€œCallsā€ module, and rename the cloned copy ā€œTripsā€. Youā€™ll avoid unintended side effects and problems later. Then, you can add fields, hide fields, modify fields, etc.

Many Thanks @chris001! I will do that