Help! Can't change Activities subpanel default sort direction?

I added the following to custom/modules/Cases/Ext/Layoutdefs/layoutdefs.ext.php

$layout_defs[‘Cases’][‘subpanel_setup’][‘activities’][‘sort_by’] = ‘name’;
$layout_defs[‘Cases’][‘subpanel_setup’][‘tasks’][‘sort_order’] = ‘asc’;

It changes the default sort for the Activities subpanel to the Subject (name) field but it always sorts descending. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Sorry the lines didn’t come through…

	$layout_defs['Cases']['subpanel_setup']['activities']['sort_by'] = 'name';
	$layout_defs['Cases']['subpanel_setup']['activities']['sort_order'] = 'asc';

Note this is when the user has not manually changed the sort order - as I know that takes precedence once set.

Ugh… I didn’t realize the user session sort preferences gets saved on page load despite whether the manually changed the sort or not. So an script changes don’t make a difference after the initial page load regarding sort. Duh.