Calls have three options… Planned, Held, Not Held.
When Marked as Held, it is still showing on the calendar and showing as past due.
Shouldn’t Held calls be removed from the calendar or at the very least move to a neutral status?
Calls have three options… Planned, Held, Not Held.
When Marked as Held, it is still showing on the calendar and showing as past due.
Shouldn’t Held calls be removed from the calendar or at the very least move to a neutral status?
Hello SuiteCRM? Is anyone out there?
Would love some help on this…
why would you like to remove something that is held? not held maybe, the purpose of the calendar is to show what you do at what time
best regards
I’m not saying they should be removed. I’m saying their status is showing as “RED” and past due. The problem is if they’ve been HELD then their completed and as such cannot possibly be past due. So it makes it look like you have past due items when you don’t.
if you read the sugar documentation Sugar 6.5 - Sugar Support you see that it says
I don’t know why you think that they’re “past due” for the color, there’s no “past due” state in Calls
best regards
So it is not a bug, it is a feature! Thank you!
I clearly misinterpreted the colors. The last SugarCRM instance I used was 4.5.
Mea Culpa.