Now its getting strange. When I log in, the top dashboard header where it says" SuiteCRM Dashboard/Add Tab/Add Dashlets appears and disappears repeatedly, moving all page content up and down. It also appears that the page is constantly trying to reload when this is happening.
Then, very often, but not always, my browser (chrome, explorer, it doesn’t matter) will throw up a "Content “:” error. Any solutions?
In regards to your first issue, I’m not certain what causes it, but I have came across this issue before. It usually occurs when you have multiple instances of a CRM open across two monitors.
It also seems to occur if you have Multiple CRM’s open, but they are different instances. i.e: If you have a SuiteCRM 7.3 Instance open in one tab/window, and a SuiteCRM 7.2.2 instance open in another tab/window.
If you close all instances of your CRM that you have open in your browser(s), does the issue stop?
In regards to your 2nd issue, If you go to admin > Repair and run “Rebuild JS Groupings”, then a “Quick Repair and Rebuild”
Does this issue resolve?