Having a lot of trouble trying to add a field, please help!

Hi everybody,
A previous admin implemented SuiteCRM which drives a wordpress page/form that potential clients fill out. The issue is that weā€™re trying to add another question (radio button) to the form, but canā€™t get the suitecrm side figured out.

Iā€™m in suitecrm -> studio -> ā€œLeadsā€ module
This is where I found the ā€˜labelsā€™ and ā€˜fieldsā€™ configurations. It looks as though each question on the web form has an associated label/field/relationship in studio.

I added the additional question in wordpress, then created a label, field, and one to many relationship.

When I test the form, regardless of whether I put ā€˜yesā€™ or ā€˜noā€™ as the radio button selection, it always shows ā€˜noā€™ when reviewing the submitted form answers in suitecrm. I canā€™t get it to show ā€˜yesā€™ when ā€˜yesā€™ is selected on the wordpress form.

I donā€™t know how to make this association work, and what is involved in what Iā€™m trying to do. Walking into an organization where nobody knows how to do anything in suitecrm, or why we even use it, has proven to be a difficult undertaking.

Please help!

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

I wouldnā€™t complicate things with a relationship there. I donā€™ think Web-to-person forms (if thatā€™s what youā€™re using) are meant to create such complex structures.

If you just need a radio button, then save that as a field, not a related record.

Thank you for the reply.
Yes- all I need is a radio button added to the wordpress html form, but I think Iā€™m having trouble with the bit that makes the association from the field in suitecrm and the html form item itself, if that makes any sense. Like, what tells suiteCRM that this field is associated with this radio button?

Again, forgive me for being vague as I really have no idea what Iā€™m talking about here. lol. But I have the form created in wordpress with a radio button. Then, I go to suitecrm admin -> studio -> and create the ā€˜fieldā€™ under leads.

Now what? Seems like I must be missing something.

So you can see from my screenshot what Iā€™m working with here. It would make sense to me if I could choose which field itā€™s associated with in the drop down list area, or somewhere in hereā€¦ do I need to add a reference to the new wordpress item somewhere else in suitecrm?

Can you send me a link to the form so I can have a look at the HTML that is driving it?


Hereā€™s the URL to the form:

Alternately you can go to https://kellysupport.com/ and click the pink button ā€˜participate today!ā€™.

On the form, the radio button weā€™re trying to implement is for the question (towards the bottom): " Are you affiliated with a law firm or insurance company?".

Itā€™s funny because there are other questions just like it, and all I saw in suitecrm for them are fields, but I donā€™t know where else to look for something we might be missing.

Thanks for reaching back out!

I canā€™t find any traces there of the typical Web-To-Person form of SuiteCRM.

I assume that the information is going elsewhere first (woocommerce Wordpress plugin, my guess) and only afterwards it is sent to SuiteCRMā€¦

Iā€™ll have to check our wordpress for any clues. Basically, an admin (who is no longer here) got bored and set up SuiteCRM for this sole purpose (a form) for potential clients to fill outā€¦ which is probably overkill. Once he left, nobody ever figured out how to do anything with it lol. So, I guess the hunt continues on this one.
Thanks for trying